How to activate the pro version of the Advanced Database Cleaner plugin

How to activate the pro version of the Advanced Database Cleaner plugin

After purchasing the plugin, you will automatically receive a purchase receipt containing your license key and a download link for the pro version of the plugin. You can install the pro version of the “ADC” plugin using one of the following methods:

1. Via the WordPress Dashboard
Download the pro version from the link in your purchase receipt.
In your WordPress dashboard, go to ‘Plugins’ and click on ‘Add New.’
Click the ‘Upload Plugin’ button.
Select the zip file you downloaded to your computer.
Click ‘Install Now.’
Activate the plugin from the Plugins dashboard.
2. Via FTP
Download the pro version from the link in your purchase receipt.
Unzip the file to extract the advanced-database-cleaner-pro-3.0.0 directory.
Upload the advanced-database-cleaner directory (found inside the extracted folder) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your web server.
Activate the plugin from the Plugins dashboard.
For Multisite Installation
Log in to your primary site and navigate to “My Sites” >> “Network Admin” >> “Plugins.”
Install the plugin using one of the methods above.
Network activate the plugin (Note: Only the main site can access the plugin).
Accessing the Plugin Menu
You can access the plugin page via “Dashboard” >> “Tools” >> “WP DB Cleaner” or through the left menu under “WP DB Cleaner” (this can be changed in the plugin settings).

Activating Your License
After installing the pro version, go to the plugin page and click on the “License” tab. Enter your license key, click “Save License Key,” and then click the “Activate License” button that appears.

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